Motivation at the Metro Station

During my internship I had a very wondeful experience at a metro station in Mumbai. I was coming back from the office. I used to travel by the local train and then take a metro which was nearby my place of stay.

As I was walking down towards the exit I saw a bunch of Musicians performing. There were three of them, One had the Guitar and the other two were singing.

I was very tired and thought of this as an opportunity to listen to the live music and do away with my stress. So I stood there and listened to their songs. They were singing linkin park, eminem and other old songs. It was a treat to the ears.

After their songs got over I wanted to thank them so I started clapping loudly for them. I applauded them with words of encouragement to them like how wonderful they all performed. I told them that they are doing an amazing job. So any people gathered around me. I told the people also to give them a huge round of applause.

The guy(singer) thanked me for the words of encouragement that I spoke to him.

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