Westworld episode 1 review

The newly released TV series “Westworld” is very different and special in its own way, special because it is produced and directed by Jonathan Nolan which increases the excitement of the Nolan fans. The story deals with a company called Westworld Inc which provides its customers with a simulated Wild West theme park. The park is the replica of the real world wild west, including all its elements like the cowboys,grand canyons,bounty hunters,harlots,civil war etc. The inhabitants of the park are the androids each of whom are programmed with distinct storylines. The customers termed as “guests” pay and visit these theme parks and can do whatever they like without facing any threat from the environment, now this is the real deal where guests can do anything, means to leverage the environment for their personal satisfaction which are also their darkest cravings.

The eye catchy visuals of grand canyon,the background score and  a blend of great cast makes Westworld series a must watch.

Southpaw movie review

The movie(Southpaw) starring Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead is a great flick. Jake is a professional boxer in the movie who has anger management issues. He earns a very handsome amount and loves his wife(Naomi Harris) very much, they also have a daughter of around 10 years old. The movie starts well, just like any other fight movie with lots of bloodshed,anger,muscle packed bodies fighting one another and too much of noise and furor. One can expect it to be just like any other fight movie with so many upcoming fights and glory. But as the movie runs less than a quarter it takes a whole different turn. Billy’s(Jake) wife gets killed by an accident at a function and the life of billy changes forever. He gets into severe depression, he loses matches,stops fighting. His source of income dries up and he has to sell his house and property. Due to his irresponsible behavior, his daughter is also taken away from her by the government.

Billy further breaks down but then he realizes what his wife used to tell him, she wouldn’t have had liked the way he was behaving now and the zeal to take back her daughter’s custody further strengthened him mentally. He joins a local gym and its instructor becomes his new coach. After that Billy learns to control his anger. This helps him to win a match with another famous fighter( his arch nemesis). Seeing his maturity and a change in his attitude, the juvenile board hands over his daughter’s custody to her.

Gyllenhaal’s acting,his body transformation to look like a fighter,were spot on. The soundtrack of the movie was also great especially the “the beast”. However the movie had too much emotions, billy’s character is emotionally too weak which follows much more drama which get’s the viewer bored.